Many people have fond memories of eating soups as a child. For me, growing up Roman Catholic, tomato soup and grilled cheese was a Friday favorite. And when I was sick, Mom would fix chicken noodle soup. 

Soup is one of the oldest and most-loved foods in the world. From ancient times to the modern day, soup has played an essential role in the diets of many cultures and civilizations.

Sipping a delicious bowl of soup keeps you warm during the cold season. Most importantly, eating soups has many health benefits, such as helping us fight cold-season viruses.

The spices and veggies used to prepare soups contain vitamins, antioxidants, and good anti-inflammatory nutrients. Soups contain essential electrolytes for body function, and as a liquid-based dish, it keeps the body hydrated.

Soups and vegetables may contain fatty fish, meat, and plant-based protein. One can consume a good soup until feeling full while keeping a low-calorie intake, which is particularly important for people who need to lose weight or follow a healthy diet. 


Soup Contains Veggies and Fiber

Fresh veggies are excellent sources of healthy nutrients. Soup recipes often use condiments and spices like onions, chives, garlic, and thyme. They are also full of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. 

One needs a daily quota of veggies, and a way to reach that quota is through eating soups. Regardless of the season, it is always possible to prepare them using seasonal or frozen vegetables. 

Soup is an easily digestible meal full of fiber that is excellent for gut health. Fiber takes longer to digest, making one feel full for longer. Some types of fiber may enhance the action of good gut bacteria and are known to cure functional constipation.

Health professionals state that the daily intake of vegetables should include half raw and half cooked veggies.


Soup Contains Minerals and Vitamins

Higher levels of sodium can damage our internal system, and it is an evident fact that soups contain sodium. However, soup also has higher potassium doses, which can help keep blood pressure at the correct level. 

Soup also contains numerous other vitamins and nutrients that help us achieve our daily dose range, such as vitamin A, iron, magnesium, and fiber.

From a simple bowl of broth to a complex and flavorful stew, soup can nourish the body and the soul. Soup is a versatile dish everyone can enjoy, and its history is a testament to its enduring popularity.

Take a moment to observe National Soup Month during January. This observance can be traced back to 1986, beginning as a promotional event for Campbell Soup.

Consider hosting a soup swap for National Soup Swap Day on Jan. 21. Make a few quarts of soup, gather some of your closest friends, and swap soup and soup recipes with one another. Each brings several quarts of their favorite soup. One person might bring a nice chicken noodle soup, while another might bring a delicious homemade stuffed pepper soup.

Everyone can try diverse types of soup and take home some different soups they can then add to their freezer.


Nancy J. Schaaf, a retired RN, worked as a school nurse, a nurse supervisor at a men’s prison, and a health educator. She earned her BSN at Edinboro University. She is a freelance writer whose health articles appear in magazines throughout the U.S. and Canada. She can be reached at


Interesting Soup Facts

  • The first recorded soup ever made was hippopotamus soup over 8,000 years ago.
  • Mankind began making soups shortly after learning how to make mud or clay pots.
  • New England’s favorite type of soup is clam chowder.
  • The most popular soup in the U.S is chicken noodle soup.
  • Americans consume over 10 billion bowls of soup every year. Soup can be found in 98%-99% of all American homes.
  • The world’s largest serving of soup was made in 2000 by Campbell’s Soup Company in Camden, New Jersey. The soup was a tomato-based recipe and filled a 6,300-gallon container.
  • The first canned soup was sold by the Campbell Soup Company in 1897.

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